Tech note FS1413
The clickable links in the output reports are not correct.
Each document URL that FlashStats shows in a report is prefixed with the contents of the URL= parameter of the user account definition. For example, if your URL= parameter is set like URL= and FlashStats outputs results for a document URL of /images/logo.gif, FlashStats will combine the two values to generate a clickable link, like
The WebTen log file format includes the whole URL of the document requested, not just the "stem" portion. In other words, a URL will be logged with a value like Thus, when FlashStats combines the document URL with the value of the URL= parameter, you get a link like
If you are having this problem, the solution is to edit the URL= parameter in your user account definition (ie, the user= line at the end of the FlashStats configuration file). Change the value following user= to one blank space. Do not change any other parameters on the user account definition line. And be sure to keep all parameters for the user account on one long line.
You must use just one space; if you set it equal to nothing (no spaces) then you'll get an error message when you run FlashStats.