Tech note FS1434
Why do the Top Referrers To Your Site, Search Phrases, Most Common Browsers, and Bad Referrers reports always show No items found?
This indicates that your log file does not contain the two fields necessary for FlashStats to garner this information. Without those fileds, FlashStats cannot determine the information needed for the Top Referrers To Your Site, Search Phrases, Most Common Browsers, and Bad Referrers reports.
The solution is to add those two fields to your log file format. If you are using a web server that lets you select the included fields, just add the two fields (User Agent and Referer) via your administrative interface. If you are using IIS 4, we recommend that you use the W3 extended log file format. (Be sure to update the logs= parameter in your FlashStats.ini file to point to the new ex*.log files, as explained here and in Chapter 4 of the documentation.) If you are running IIS 3, we recommend that you install the FlashLog plug-in, which is available for free from our web site.
If your log file already contains these fields but FlashStats is not seeing them, then you are probably using a non-standard log file format. FlashStats should be able to analyze any common log format which includes embedded field headers. Examples of such formats as the W3 Extended Log Format used by IIS 4, and WebSTAR on the Mac. However, if you are using a format which doesn't include an identifying header (such as Apache) then you may have to use the LogFormat parameter to specify a non-standard format. Full details on how to do this are in Chapter 9 of our online documentation.