Tech note FS1453
Daylight Saving Time causes odd results.
FlashStats shows incorrect results when analyzing a date range that contains a day when Daylight Savings Time begins or ends.
Specifically, the Daily Totals report will show two days with the same date; the day after the time change will show up with the same date as the prior day. For example, if you go off DST ("fall back") on Sunday, October 31, then the Daily Totals report will show results for Sunday 10/31, then Monday 10/31 (rather than Monday 11/1), followed by Tuesday 11/1.
This problem only occurs if you analyze a date range including the day when DST changes. Otherwise there is no problem.
Finally, please note that even though the Daily Totals report shows the incorrect date, all other values (including the actual statistics themselves) are still correct.
This bug may be fixed in a future release of FlashStats.