Read Outlook Email from Anywhere
Introducing GoPOP a new program that allows you to access your Outlook email from anywhere in the world with any standard mail reader.
In the past, if you wanted to read your Outlook email while away from your primary computer you needed to have Outlook "leave messages on server," or set up a "shadow" account with Yahoo! or HotMail. GoPOP changes all of that!
Download GoPOP v. 1.0 now!
GoPOP runs on your primary PC alongside Outlook, and lets you access your email from a remote computer (or other device) when you're away. You can read your email by connecting to your primary computer with any standard email reader: a cell phone, a PDA, or even a mail program at a cybercafe!
GoPOP is different from traditional remote-access solutions in several ways:
- See your filtered mail. Since your remote mail reader is actually retrieving mail directly from Outlook on your primary computer, all of your Outlook filters for incoming mail will have already been applied, so any junk mail that you've filtered out won't be seen.
- You can read email in any folder, not just your Inbox. GoPOP can let you read email that you've filed away into subfolders.
- You don't have to leave a copy of your messages on the original POP server. Messages left on the server are often deleted after several days. GoPOP avoids this problem and lets you see all of your email. (You can even look into your Deleted Items folder to see any mail that you've deleted!)
- No "shadow" accounts required. With GoPOP, you no longer have to keep a shadow account at Yahoo! or HotMail just to be able to access your email remotely. No more need to delete the same junk mail from two accounts.
- Better performance than synchronization. If you normally perform a full synchronization between a handheld device (such as a Palm) and your computer, you'll get better performance by using GoPOP. GoPOP lets you use a remote mail reader that lets you see mail headers before downloading the whole mail message. This enables you to avoid downloading junk mail or other messages that you don't want to read.
- No special reader software is required. You can use any standard reader to read your email. Check your email with your cell phone, Palm VII, or any mail program installed on a remote PC (desktop, laptop, etc.).
- Microsoft Exchange is not required. Some corporations install Exchange so that their users can access their email remotely. GoPOP eliminates the need for Exchange (but still supports it if that's the solution you use).
Download GoPOP now!
System Requirements
Your primary computer needs to have the following software installed:
- Microsoft Outlook® 2000 (or later) for Windows
- Microsoft Windows 98 or later (98, 98SE, ME, NT, 2000, XP)
Notes on GoPOP
- Your primary computer must be constantly connected to the Internet. Your primary computer must be turned on and connected to the Internet (so that it can be connected to from your remote mail reader). This means that dial-up users must run some extra software to keep their connection open. In addition, Outlook should be running and constantly downloading new mail.
- You must know the IP address of your primary computer. In order to connect to your primary computer from another location, you must know its IP address (or DNS host name). In general, this means that your primary computer needs a static IP address. T1, DSL, and cable modem users often have a static IP address. AOL users and other users (including dial-up users) with dynamic IP addresses cannot use GoPOP if they do not know their current IP address. However, there are a variety of utilities (such as Winip) which can help if you have a dynamic IP address. Contact us for help.
- NAT. If your primary computer is located behind a proxy or other network address translation system, then any remote mail reader will not be able to connect to GoPOP to get your email. Some networks can be configured to route incoming POP3 connections to your primary computer; check with your network administrator to see if this is possible on your network.
- Firewalls. If your primary computer is behind a firewall, be sure to configure the firewall to allow incoming connections to your primary computer on port 110 (this port number can be changed/customized in the Tools-->Options menu of GoPOP after it has been installed). See Chapter 3 of the online documentation for more information.
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