Tip Sheet: Hide report tips
Use this report to see the errors returned by your web site and the requests which caused them. Some errors may be indications of problems with your web site; others may be caused by potentially malicious visitors. Review the list of error codes for a description of each error code.
This report does not include "404 Not Found" errors (see the Bad URLs report) or script errors (see the Script Errors report).
If you are interested in seeing all activity related to a specific error code, you can easily create a filter to show only that detail. Simply make sure that the New Report Set view is selected in FlashStats, then choose the Current Filters tab and click the Add button. Click on the Return code line, then click the Edit button and choose the desired return code.
Error Code: The error code returned by your web site. Click here for a list of error code descriptions.
# of Hits: The number of hits to your web site which returned the given error code, or the number of hits to the given URL.
% of All Errors: The number of hits which returned the the given error code expressed as a percentage of the total number of hits which returned any error code (other than 404 or script errors).
URL Detail for Above Error Code: The URLs requested from your web site which returned the given error code.