Tip Sheet: Hide report tips
This report shows which pages are viewed the longest by visitors to your web site. Use this report to see if visitors are spending as much time reading each page you you might expect. If visitors are spending more or less time than expected, you might have a problem with the design of your web site. See the Pages Viewed Shortest report for a list of the pages viewed the shortest amount of time, and see the Path Analysis report for an analysis of the paths taken through your web site.
FlashStats determines the amount of time spent viewing a page by measuring the amount of time elapsed between the request for a page and the request for the next page or script in the visit. Please note that the final page in each visit is not included in these statistics because there is no accurate way to estimate how long it was viewed. In addition, pages displayed as the result of an error (such as "404 Not Found") are not included in this report.
This report only includes visits by web browsers; visits from other types of user agents (such as search engines, WAP phones, or offline web readers) are not included.
URL: The page requested from your web site.
Average Time Spent on Page: The average (or arithmetic mean) amount of time spent viewing a given page is defined as the total number of seconds spent viewing the page (by all visitors) divided by the number of page views. The number of page views may include multiple views by the same visitor.
Median Time Spent on Page: This number represents the very middle number of all times spent viewing a page (once those times are arranged in increasing order). For example, in the following group: 00:00:00, 00:01:02, 00:03:04 - the time "00:01:02" is the median value. (If there is an even number of visits to a page, then the median is the average of the two middle values.)
The median may be more representative than the average of time spent viewing a page. This is because a few visits with very high times spent viewing a page will skew that page's average towards a higher value, which may not be representative of the duration spent by most visitors.
Please note that it is very common to have low median values since there tend to be more page views of short duration than of long duration.
Page Views: The total number of times a page was viewed. Each page view is counted separately, including duplicate page views by the same visitor.