Tip Sheet: Hide report tips
Use this report to see the paths most frequently taken through your web site.
This report shows actual user behavior on your web site: the specific pages (or scripts or downloads) viewed on your site, in the actual order traversed. This information is useful for determining how visitors actually use your site. You can see how visitors get information from your site and then take key actions such as run scripts or download files. Use this report to analyze ways to reorganize your web site to make sure that your visitors are able to find the desired information, or to help reduce abandoned shopping carts.
This report only includes visits from browsers; visits from other types of user agents (such as search engines) are not included. Only requests for pages, scripts, and downloads are tracked; requests for other types of content (such as images) are ignored.
Only paths with at least two pages (or scripts or downloads) are included; single-page paths are ignored. In addition, this report will only track the first 20 pages of each visit by default. You can change this limit by clicking the All Advanced Options... button on the Report Set Options tab, and then changing the value in the Path Analysis report box.
Path: The path taken through your web site. The path includes all pages, scripts, or downloads requested during a visit.
# of Times Path Was Taken: The total number of times that the given path was taken through your web site.