Tip Sheet: Hide report tips
Use this report to see which type of content is using the most bandwidth on your web site. This information can be useful if your web site is using more bandwidth than you expected and is incurring cost overruns from your web hosting provider. For example, if you find that images are using a large amount of bandwidth you might want to switch to an image file format which creates smaller files.
See the Bandwidth by File report for the bandwidth used by individual files.
Content Type: The type of content being totalled. Each hit is added to the total for the type of content being requested. For example, requests for .htm files are counted as pages, and requests for .jpg files are counted as images. (You can change the content type for any file extension by opening the FlashStats Web Site menu, choosing the Properties command, then choosing the File Types tab.)
Each content type is a link; click on any content type link to see the associated detail report for that content type. (For example, click on the Images content type link to see the Top Images report.)
Bytes Sent: The total number of bytes of data sent by your web server in response to requests. IIS usually includes the bytes used by the response header; Apache usually excludes the header size.
Bytes Received: The total number of bytes received for all requests of the specified content type. IIS usually includes the bytes used by the request header; Apache usually excludes the header size. If the header bytes are excluded then only POST requests will contain any data.