Tip Sheet: Hide report tips
Use this report to see which specific files are using the most bandwidth on your web site. This information can be useful if your web site is using more bandwidth than you expected and is incurring cost overruns from your web hosting provider. For example, if you find that a certain download is using a large amount of bandwidth you might want to consider hosting it at a separate web site.
See the Bandwidth by Content Type report for totals consolidated by type of content.
File: A file on your web site.
Hits: The total number of times the file was requested. If a file is requested multiple times during a visit, then each hit is counted separately.
Visits: The total number of visits in which the file was requested. This number may be less than the Hits value because the file is only counted once per visit, regardless of how many times the file is requested during the visit.
Bandwidth Used: The total amount of data transferred from your server for a given file.