Tip Sheet: Hide report tips
Use this report to see the number of visits to your web site on each day. This report can help you to see the general trend of web site usage, as well as spot individual spikes in activity.
If a particular visit lasts past midnight and continues onto a second day, then that visit is only counted on the first day. Likewise, the visitor is only counted on the first day.
See the Totals by Day report for the number of hits and page views on each day. See the Bandwidth by Day report for the amount of bandwidth used each day.
Date: The day being analyzed.
Visits: The total number of visits to your web site for the given day. Each visit is counted separately, including multiple visits by the same visitor.
Visitors: The total number of visitors to your site on the given day. Each distinct visitor is only counted once, regardless of how many visits they make.
Average Visit Duration: The average (or arithmetic mean) duration of all visit durations for the given day. Please be aware that a few visits with very high durations will skew the average towards a higher value which may not be representative of the duration spent by most visitors.